Metro Orthodontics

Myobrace T3


Myobrace T3

  • N/A
Product Code: MY0254 SKU: N/A Categories: ,



  • The T3 focuses on dental alignment after arch development is complete and is the only appliance in the entire Myobrace® range that is similar to an orthodontic tooth positioner. The appliance comes in seven different sizes, with the appropriate size being selected using the T3 Ruler. It has individual tooth slots, which not only align the teeth, but act as separating wedges for extra arch development and correction of mild rotations. Compliance is essential to prevent relapse in the arch form, which can happen when the T3 is not worn regularly. Move to the T4 when the T3 has aligned the teeth sufficiently.
  • T3 Design Features
  • The design features of the T3 are suited to promote dental alignment while correcting breathing and myofunctional habits in the developing permanent dentition.

Additional information


Size 2, Size 3, Size 4, Size 5, Size 6